Shipping Policy

Shipping Methods
We offer the following shipping methods:
Domestic postal mail
Domestic courier companies
International postal mail
The shipping method will vary depending on the order amount, product weight and size, and shipping country.
If you have a preference for a particular shipping method, you can request it when placing your order.

Shipping Costs
Shipping costs will vary depending on the order amount, product weight and size, and shipping country.
The exact shipping cost will be calculated at checkout.
We may offer free shipping in some cases. Please refer to our website for details.

Shipping Times
Domestic orders are typically shipped within 2-3 business days.
International orders are typically shipped within 7-10 business days.
Shipping times may vary depending on the order volume, product availability, order processing time, and shipping country.
You can track the status of your order on the order tracking page.

Order Tracking
You can find your shipping tracking number in your order confirmation email.
You can track the status of your order on the order tracking page.

Shipping Restrictions
Shipping may be restricted to certain countries or regions.
Please refer to our website for a list of countries or regions with shipping restrictions.

Shipping Delays
Shipping may be delayed due to the following reasons:
Increased order volume
Severe weather
Traffic problems
Other unforeseen events
If your order is delayed, we will notify you via the order tracking page or email.

Shipping Issues
If you have any issues with your shipment, please contact our customer service.
You can reach our customer service through the following methods:

Changes to Shipping Policy
We may change our shipping policy at any time.
Shipping policy changes will be posted on our website.

This shipping policy is part of our Terms of Service.
For any questions about this shipping policy, please contact our customer service.